About Pierresoft.com
Adesign & Pierresoft.com have been designed and developed by Pierre Geneves with the goal to deliver high quality image editing software at the lowest possible price to the end user. Adesign is an award-winning and affordable graphic software for everyone.
How such a low price is possible for such a software?
The idea is quite simple: no single penny is spent in advertising. A successful software should spread by itself. You like Adesign? Tell your friends about it.
Adesign users are from all over the World

The community of Adesign users is growing. Adesign will soon be available in 4 languages.
Share your Thoughts
Pierre enjoy upgrading Adesign with new cool features when he discovers new possible use cases. Pierre is always happy to hear your comments or suggestions in order to make your favorite tool still better.
This Website
This website uses W3C XHTML+CSS technology. It is hosted in the USA. Please report any connectivity or any other kind of problems you experience from the contact page.