Design Web Graphics from Scratch
Graphic design

Create from scratch using smooth text with specific fonts for web graphics, draw nice antialiased ellipses, use radial gradients from foregound to transparency, and so on!... Drawing primitives antialiased to give your final image a better look. Text layers remain editable until a bitmap operation is done on them. Font, size and others text settings of text layers are kept and saved in .PSI files, which makes editing easier and faster.
Output Features for Web Graphics

Once you have taken advantage of drawing tools, the optimization for the web feature selects automatically the file format for a minimum size of your image. Export to JPEG and adjust the compression level with direct preview and without surprise. The batch conversion feature lets you convert automatically a set of files to another file format.
Choosing the Right Color

Switch and interact between color modes on Adesign's color window. Adesign comes with its own colordialog, selectable from the preferences. Easily share color codes between other web applications.

Use filters and special effects on your image

Adesign comes with a full set of filters. Among them you will find gaussian blur, motion blur, zoom blur, radial blurs (...), drop shadow, glow and other rendering effects, 3D deform filters, texturization, sharpen, fast convolutions, light effects, lens flare,... Get illumination and 3D effects by mixing an inner bevel effect and a colored layer using overlay blend mode.
Vector tools

You can define vector paths using bezier curves, then stroke them using current paintbrush settings. Vector path can be turned into a selection.

Scale, rotate, distort, or skew images easily by moving handles using direct manipulation. Use antialiased transformations to fix any bad point of view or to get perspective effects.